The past year is slowly coming to an end and it's time to look ahead to the future. Before that, however, it's a good idea to gather our thoughts and reflect on all that we accomplished this year.
The development work taking place behind the scenes is ongoing and we are still happy to receive customer feedback so that our online store can always better meet our customers' needs.
After several months of hard work, we opened our new online store in March, which has been very well received by our customers. In addition to watches, we have added bracelets, buckles, boxes, advertisements, literature and other watches to our selection. Our online store is in good shape, but not yet finished. Development work is ongoing and we are still happy to receive customer feedback so that our online store can always better meet the needs of our customers.
(Our own event, Helsinki Vintage Watches, was held in Suvilahti, Helsinki, at Magito studio.)
During the past year, we also started to attend various events more frequently. We went to several antique and collectible fairs throughout Finland, Kellojen Yö in Turku, and we also organized our own Helsinki Vintage Watches event in May. We also went abroad to get to know the big world in Switzerland, Geneva, and the Rikketik event in Holland.
There have already been quite a few videos, and the topics vary from clips related to events and trips to close ups of individual watches and the opening of various treasure chests.
(We visited Billnäs Ruukki in both July and September to make some deals.)
We were already active on social media before, but this year, alongside Instagram and Facebook, we also added YouTube, where we aim to add videos monthly. We have already accumulated quite a few videos, and the topics always vary from clips related to events and trips to close ups of individual watches and the opening of various treasure chests.
(The Rikketik event in Holland was an eye-opening experience.)
Overall, this year was amazing. We learned and saw a lot and met a lot of interesting people. We took a lot of clear steps forward, but that doesn't mean we don't already have all sorts of new and interesting things planned for next year, so stay tuned.
Thank you to all our customers, partners and other great people we have had the pleasure of working with. Have a very happy and peaceful New Year!